Building an impactful presence in a saturated market
TJ Gas
Plumbing and gas
Visual identity
TJ Gas is an independent sole trader providing plumbing and heating services in Milton Keynes and surrounding areas. They found themselves in a saturated market and were struggling to win business, relying purely on their quality and word of mouth.

A relatively new business, TJ Gas required a solution to stand out from their competition and win business in a very saturated market via visual identity and a marketing strategy.

Users & audience
The target users for this brand were members of the public that had plumbing or heating issues. This meant the audience group was broad and nonspecific, so anything that was to be designed had to be relatable, to the point and visually appealing. This was especially true as the market is so overly saturated.

My role
I was hired as a Designer, tasked with creating a standout visual identity and finding a way the brand could compete more effectively in the current market. I reported directly to the brand’s owner, who gave full creative license as to how the brand would look.

Visual identity
I started work on the visual identity by running a workshop with the owner, understanding the values behind the brand and also the type of logo and typography design the owner was aligned to. I then conducted competitor analysis, learning what was already in the market. Using both the workshop output and the competitor analysis, I set forth and created a set of logos. Through adapting the colour palette and the weight of the typeface, I worked with the owner to settle on a logo that was friendly and confident. I created an icon that combined a drip and a pilot flame to represent the synergy of plumbing and heating respectively, this allowed the logo to be clear to customers on the services provided by the business – something the competitors lacked. Once the logo was signed off by the owner, I used it to create their business cards, van decals and other merchandise.

Once TJ Gas started using a consistent visual identity the amount of work increased and the owner was extremely pleased with the outcome. Through a continual stream of testimonials and a standout logo the brand continues to be a popular choice in the local area with plans to expand the workforce.